Hi, I have an associate who will be working with me on a 50/50 fee sharing contract. So whatever is earned by this person per day is split in half. I obviously still invoice the customers for the full amount but how do I input the 50/50 split in quickfile please
Thank you.
Hi @Drew2,
You may find using a project tag may be the easiest way. You can then tag all of the invoices with this tag. When you need to know how much is owed to you/your associate you can run a report for that project and split the balance 50/50?
This guide may help you with project tags: Projects in QuickFile
Hi Drew2,
Is your associate self-employed/has his/her own company, if so, you invoice your associate for 50% of the turnover, or your associate invoices you, and tag it to sub-contractor.
If your associate works as a partner then you may open a second drawing/directors loan account - one for you and one for the associate. 50% of the profit goes to each account.
As usual, I am not an accountant and you are always advised to ask one.
Thats Great, yes she’s self employed so this method would be perfect.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Thanks Beth, I’ll have a look at that.
Kind regards
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