Backup Nominal Bug?

The scheduled backup omits the Nominal_Ledger.csv file. It only appears in the backup if you request one manually.

The impact of this is:

  1. Backups are incomplete

  2. If I want to work with the nominal file I first need to wait for the backup database to be in sync (as immediate requests omit recent transactions), then make a request for immediate backup and then wait for it to run.

I’m not sure if there is much of a processing overhead form this but it’s certainly a bit of a pain for there user.

If it’s not a bug, could you explain why it’s missing please?

Many thanks


Hello Daryl

It is mainly a processing overhead limitation.

If it was included we would be downloading the double entry for every transaction in every account on a weekly basis.


Answer should include what end user should do in this situation. I thanks Daryl for raising this.


Hello @hemant

You can get a backup of the nominal ledger in 2 formats

Reports > Chart of accounts > Enter the date range > Export


The detailed option will allow you to include/exclude code ranges.
