Bank charges not appearing in bank account statement

I imported a csv file downloaded from my bank (Metro Bank). It’s a business account and I pay bank charges monthly. For some reason the monthly “Account Maintenance Fee” entries don’t show. Should I enter them manually?

If they haven’t shown up then yes.

But I’d be interested to know why they haven’t if everything else did.

Thanks for your reply. I started to add them. Then I started to wonder if they hadn’t shown up because they were being entered in some other place.
I cannot seem to find the original csv file that I used. But looking at the Bank’s printed statement, the entries for “Account Maintenance Fee” and “Transaction Charges” (also missing in Quickfile) don’t seem to have as many fields as the other debits and credits.
For now, I know what to do. If I find out what is going on, when perhaps I update the account for the next period, I’ll let you know. Thanks.

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