Bank reconciliation and uploading statements


I would like to use the bank reconciliation feature as up until now I haven’t used the feature.

Shoddy I know !!

My question is, If i was to go back to May of last year, (yes I know, ooops), and upload the missing bank statements, will the system allow for this, or will it duplicate what I have already tagged etc ?

I have tagged most transactions manually already, about 90% I guess.



Hello @DC123

That shouldn’t be a problem, however it could cause duplicates. Ideally, what you would do is use the bank recon tool and start matching your statements against QuickFile, starting at the earlier point and working your way forward.

So let’s say your earliest transactions are 1st May 2017 to 31st May 2017, start with this period. If it’s correct - great, move onto the next one. If there are transactions missing, then you could narrow the period down - 1st May to 15th Mary 2017. And so on.

You could, in theory, upload a bank statement from these periods and the system will try to pick up duplicates - however, if a description is slightly different, you could end up with a bit of a mess.

I think the way you approach this would depend on how many transactions you have roughly every month. The first method is more manual, but likely to be more reliable and you would have better control.

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Thanks for helping !


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