Bank tagging/purchase invoice

When I post a purchase invoice onto the system, at the end of the posting ,it asks if the invoice has been paid and asks for payment/bank details etc.(complete only if invoice is paid) Th e invoice has been paid …so I completed this section.
On the bank the payment remains ‘untagged’…how do I clear this payment ?
Very pleased with Quickfile…thank you
Ian Russell

If you have a bank feed or import your statements then I would suggest you do not mark the invoices as paid from the purchase screen, just enter the invoices then tag them from the banking page.

I posted this some time ago and more lately this reply from Glenn in a somewhat related thread would solve this issue and the related topics that are commonly started.

There shouldn’t be duplicate transactions on a bank account with a feed (or with any sort of active import really) and the tagging from the purchase entry screen should have a better workflow and not just blindly create the transaction (or there at least be an option to disallow it/ask first).

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