Bank tagging appears to work some of the time but not always. I have some with the tag details at the end of the reference and on the specific bank tagging entry/edit page it finds several that comply with the rule but on the main bank tagging page with all the tags listed it says no matches and fails to tag when the next entry appears on the bank feed.
Hi @AntEmm
Can I just clarify if you mean bank tagging itself, or bank tagging rules?
Would you mind sending some examples and an account number to QFSupport, please, so we can take a look?
I will leave this thread public, however, in case anyone else experiences this issue.
Hi Mathew
It is the application of the bank tagging rules that is inconsistent. I have set up and number and some work each month and others don’t. If I change the specific details to within the text for example it says that it has found some many matching cases but on the general page of rules it records 0 and fails to do the bank tagging next time round.
I take it that QF support is private
KInd regards