Barclaycard - commercial credit card credits/debits reversed

At the moment QuickFile supports Barclays however when trying to upload Barclaycard business credit card statement as CSV using Barclays as Bank an error is displayed “No Transactions Were Saved to Your Account.
Please check that the columns in your CSV are correctly mapped.”

Barclaycard statements can be imported using ‘Other’ option for bank however the credits and debits are reversed (purchases are shown as Money In). Same problem with QIF file - credits and debits are reversed. I was expecting that when selecting Credit Card as account type all positive values should be imported as Debits however this does not happen

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Both CSV and QIF are plain text file formats so if all else fails you can do a little bit of find-and-replace manipulation of the file before uploading to fix this. Here’s a post I made a while ago explaining what you would do with a QIF, a CSV would be slightly harder to identify exactly which bit needs replacing.

Hi @samstep9

I would suspect that the file itself from Barclaycard may be showing the values differently to what’s expected.

As @ian_roberts suggested, you can view the file using a tool like notepad and examine the values to see how they are being received by QuickFile.

If you still need help, please let me know

As an extension to my last post - if you’re on Mac or Linux (and thus have Perl installed) the following one liner run in a Terminal will swap the positives and negatives in one pass:

 perl -i.bak -pe 's/^(T)(.)/$1 . ($2 eq "-" ? "" : "-$2")/e' file.qif

This will change file.qif to swap the signs, and leave the original version as file.qif.bak

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While I understand that the values can be reversed manually - using excel, perl regex or some other tool - it is all time-consuming operation which is unnecessary and can be done by QF automatically. There is a separate thread where the same issue happens for people using automated bank feed. There should be a way to reverse credits and debits in the system itself without users doing it manually.
This issue covers most credit cards as on a credit card statement a negative transaction means repayment not an expense. I will raise a feature request for a checkbox “reverse credits and debits on import”.

Are there 2 columns in the CSV file (money in and money out), or just 1 column?

The feeds work differently from the CSV/QIF importer, so if there is an issue there it wouldn’t be related to this.

Barclaycard CSV has only one column for amount. And it is positive for credit card purchase transaction and negative for repayments. An here is a sample of QIF file:


Thank you for the example @samstep9. I would recommend replacing the values at the moment. A credit card would be treated the same as an overdraft in QuickFile, so the format works for credit cards in general, just not the one you’re using unfortunately.

I will pass your comments on to the development team, and will let you know if we’re able to make any changes here.

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