Barclays feeds problem

Hey, I’ve decided to try out QuickFile as my previous software is quite buggy with PayPal feeds. So I went ahead and tried to get some bank feeds first, from Barclays. I Installed the plugin on Chrome (v.1.3.6) and I headed over to Barclays login page. So before I’m logged in, I can see QF bar at the top of my browser. I can enter my details and log in using it. However, the moment I log in, the bar disappears. I tried wiping cookies, but that didn’t help much. I would appreciate any advice.

Hi @Avee

When you log into Barclays, the bar is supposed to disappear. What should happen, is one of two things:

  1. If you log in using the ‘login’ button on the bar, it will try to download your latest transactions for you based on the details you’ve given it

  2. If you log in using the ‘login’ button on the page, it will show an ‘export’ button on your transactions page for you to run it manually.

That aside, we do have an automated feed with Barclays that you may wish to look at setting up. This will pull in your recent transactions on a daily basis for you. There’s more info on this in our knowledge base.

Please let us know if you need any further help

Thanks, appreciate the prompt support.
I will check out the automated feed, sounds like a more convenient option.

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Ok, so following that automated feed. When viewing all bank accounts, I see my Barclays account on the list, but the blue Setup Bank Feed option won’t show. I double checked that this account is indeed a Barclays on the account settings dropdown.

Oops! :frowning:

The blue setup button has been moved (we’ll update that article shortly). Where you found the settings (More options when viewing the bank transactions), there should be an option for ‘Bank Feed’. That would take you to the same page.

Ok, got it. Must say that you’ve hid it well :stuck_out_tongue:
Next Feed Scheduled for: Tomorrow at 4 am.

Thanks for assistance, I’m off to check out PayPal integration now so expect silly questions on that later today.

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