I’m having a problem renewing our barclays open bank feed . When clicking the renew link from you website barclays logs in but has the following error
6031 - Unable to Step Up as process requires the user to be Access Level 40
I tried logging in with pinsentry and now I am receiving this notification
6005 - Sorry - we’re currently experiencing technical difficulties. We have not been able to carry out your request. Please try again later.
I also see you have had other people experiencing the same problem
It sounds like the error is on Barclays side which unfortunately means it’s out of our control.
One thing that has helped other users is to try authorising it using the mobile banking route rather than through online banking. May be worth giving that a go
It may well be Barclays however a previous users post with the same problem was early February. Does that mean you can no longer offer a bank feed? Also are you aware Barclays have a new smart dashboard for connecting apps? Quickfile is not on offer in the list of apps.
We certainly do offer bank feeds, and everything from our end is working as expected, but unfortunately the banks do have issues from time to time. As I mentioned above, the mobile banking option has worked in some instances which has been the advice we’ve received from the Barclays Open Banking team.
If you’re still experiencing the issue, it may be worth raising it with Barclays directly to ensure everything is set up correctly and running all OK on their end.
Yes, we’re aware of this. This is a tool developed by Barclays. With Open Banking, we make the connection from our end, but the dashboard Barclays offers means they have to make the connection from their end (I believe). It may be worth expressing your interest in linking your Barclays and QuickFile account this way.
Not sure what you mean by mobile banking option. Do I need to login to quickfile on my mobile or Barclays. If the later where on the Barclays site do I find the update page?
Thanks for your reply.
I am getting rather confused. I am trying to renew my bank feed as it requires renewing every 90 days. Therefore when accessing the QF bank feed page I have a renew button only. If I select this button it opens Barclays directly from there. I do not have any option to connect via online banking or mobile banking. The image you show is this on your site or Barclays?
@MikeC - please accept my apologies, I seem to have got my wires crossed there! If you’re renewing it, you would have to go through the web site at this moment. If there’s an error showing on the Barclays site (similar to the one you posted above), then it is an issue on Barclays side. They would be better positioned to resolve this than we would unfortunately.
I assume it hasn’t worked since early February. So I would say you may get a lot more people with this problem once they start renewing. I will see if I get anywhere with Barclays . Do you have any direct contacts to help with support for your feed?