Barclays Open Banking

Hi There,

I have 2 accounts currently from Barclays on open banking. One is a personal current account and the other is an account where i transfer money to to cover self assessment. I have recently opened a business account, also with Barclays.

The problem I am currently experiencing is that as soon as i have added Barclays, it will only give me the option to add either the personal accounts or the business account. I have tried this via mobile and desktop login.

I would imagine that what is happening is that once you have added a bank, it will show the accounts that are available to add. Then it believes that you can’t possibly want to add the bank again because you have already linked your bank and the option to add disappears from the drop down list of banks.

Is there another way, i can add my business account via open banking without. I have revoked and granted access again in an attempt to add the business account.

Can someone please change the option for the bank icon not to disappear once you have added your bank as it only allows you to add one category at a time.

Hi @ChristianHough

Currently only one link per bank is supported.

What you can do however, is speak with the bank and ask them to put them under one login (which I believe mirrors the functionality of the mobile app). I’m aware of some users who have managed to do this in the past.

Once that’s done, when you authorise the link, you’ll be presented with a list of eligible accounts.

Is that a limitation enforced by the Open Banking spec or is it a design decision made by QuickFile?

Hi @ian_roberts,

I have asked the dev team for confirmation on this and will let you know :slight_smile:

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Hi Mathew,

All 3 accounts are under the same login.

Both on the web browser and app, they are just on separate tabs to distinguish between the accounts.

I hope this can be resolved.

Thanks Beth,

As mentioned to Mathew,

All the accounts are under the same login, they just appear on different tabs to distinguish between personal and business accounts.

Hi @ChristianHough

If you’re not able to select all the accounts during the authentication process, you would need to speak with the bank to see if they can suggest a way around this.

For security, the authentication pages aren’t visible or editable by us, and are defined by the bank themselves.


I can see all the accounts during authentication.

What will fix this is the Dev team not making the Bank’s icon disappear once I have linked an account already. I would then just select the same bank again and go to the business tab this time and add the business account as well.

I am very happy to participate in a beta/test if that’s required.


Not sure about barclays but with old HSBC accounts I had. I could access both personal and business from one app, but in reality I had two different logins. Are you sure this isn’t the case here?

Yeah, i have checked, i have not received any extra login information.