Barred from viewing current VAT return

This notice just received in VAT returns section. HMRC site doesn’t suggest we have any problems with our account:

You are not yet authorised to view this report for the VRN 883297282 . Please ensure your VAT number is correct and you have connected the corresponding HMRC Tax Account. If you have recently enrolled on the MTD scheme please allow 24 hours for HMRC systems to update.

Can you help. email

Hello @HaBaKKuK

I have just checked your account and the status looks good

I have been able to view your current return August - October successfully.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for your prompt response, I’ve just gone on again, into reports, create and it generates the same message. Always worked in the past. Am I doing something wrong?

Kind Regards

John Bignall

Hello John

Do you get the same issue on a different browser as it may be something in your browsers cache causing it?

Yes, just tried on another computer and it’s the same. Also cleared my cashe. I assume you are checking my correct account

still not getting anywhere.

Just tried on our Butler House account and it works fine.

Hello @HaBaKKuK

On this account there were 3 HMRC links.

1 was giving the error you mention, with a “Failed” status, I have selected one with an “Good” status and it seems fine now.


Looks like you got to the bottom of it there Steve,

Thanks! Would never have found that. Any chance of deleting the bad links to prevent further problems, or giving me a walk through to do it myself?


Hello @HaBaKKuK

You can go to Reports > HMRC and click the red cross next to the failed entry.

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