Base currency symbol on screen

We have a division of a company with a base currency that is not GBP, and it is disconcerting to view the screens with £ symbols, rather than the actual currency symbol of R.

Multi currency did not work well in testing as the division has its own currency bank accounts so for most transactions there is no currency gain/loss. We have created a new company and will just do an end of year transfer sorting the currency manually.
Company configuration setting with base currency symbol would solve the problem, (and whether it should be before or after the numbers). I’ve noticed other users requesting € to be shown.

Is this division a UK incorporated company or UK based entity? All base reporting in QuickFile is in GBP only and I’m afraid it will not be possible to change this within the interface. We do however support multi-currency banking and invoicing so if your UK company has a foreign currency account this is fully supported.