Billing question

I plan to bill some clients for the price of using affinity for their account. It is cheaper than virtually any other system and with some clients the margin on their account is minimal.

Is there a way of grouping and printing the billing for the month of each client so I can attach it as evidence of the disbursement to their monthly bill?

It doesn’t seem so but I’ve only just started using it.

I’m afraid there’s no way at the moment to split the Affinity billing down to the individually linked accounts. When we calculate the daily charges we look at the total number of accounts for the different sizes (XS,S, M, L, XL) and calculate based on that.

I guess you could do an approximate calculation by multiplying the account size fee through the number of days.

We could look at showing the fee per account elsewhere in the future if that would help?

Yes I’ll just do an approximation for the time being.

Personally I would find it very helpful to show monthly fee by client - I have no idea whether others are passing on the charge. Perhaps I’ll just have a fixed £ per month and apply that.

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