Bulk update clients to use a trading style


We have two QF accounts for two different businesses.

I am trying to merge the two and using ‘Trading Styles’ so that invoices can continue to be sent under the different business brands.

Our first and main QF account is the one that I am adapting to bring the other company in to. In order for me to set this up though, I need to set the edit each client’s details and change the value ‘Apply Trading Style’ in their account to the appropriate trading style. Is there a way to do this in bulk?

My next step would then be to manually enter all of the clients and their recurring invoices from the second QF account but I’m hoping the existing customers in the first account can be updated en mass?

Kind regards


Hi @favdes

Unfortunately this isn’t possible to do in bulk at present. I could certainly convert this thread to a feature request though if you wish, and we can track the interest in this feature going forward?


Yes, I think that would be great as there seem to (after searching the forums) be other people in a similar situation to me.

I was hoping you might be able to run a quick process in the backend ;0)

Kind regards


No problem - I’ve amended the topic title and moved it to the ‘Feature’ category.

We can copy clients (and their contacts) and suppliers from one account to another if that’s of any help?

A post was split to a new topic: Can I copy recurring invoices from one account to another?

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