Business account balance out?

hi there,
i have a problem with my business account balance it seems to be out by 2.45 and i cant figure out how this happened
i have uploaded my bank statement to check if i have any transactions i maybe missed but still nothing and im puzzled as the amount is strange to me
i think the error could be in the paypal account
could someone please tell me what should be the first thing to look for ?
Account: 6131437822

Whenever you find a discrepancy in the account balance, the first thing to do is back-track to a date where it’s balancing and then work forward from there. Eventually you should hone in on the precise date and transaction where it goes out.

In most cases it’s caused by tagging something manually elsewhere that inserts a payment/transfer to the bank.

thanks mate, managed to track it down, had to print all transactions and through them one by one.
i had a postage paid with my debit card which i forgot to record in qf and i had a transaction incorrectly tagged to my bank account and these two created the balance

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