Buying and selling inventory items

Hi, I suspect I am being a real numpty here but I want to produce a purchase order to supplier for ‘widget 1’ and then invoice out said ‘widget1’ to my customer.

I have trawled the knowledge base and can only find that inventory items are separate entities for purchase and sale. This is ridiculous and obviously can’t be the case so what am I missing??



There isn’t an inventory as such in QuickFile (we don’t support stock control). The inventory within QuickFile is more of a templating system, allowing you to quickly pre-fill purchase and sales invoices from the saved entries.

Because of this the inventory items are separate for purchases and sales.

Oh… Thats disappointing… Is there any connectable app or api for this??

For the record, I’m not actually after a stock control system, just to not have to retype and edit 2 lots of the same info…


There are 2 options here -

  1. You upload the same items to the purchase inventory list, and the sales inventory list. Or,

  2. You use the “client rebill” feature. This would take a purchase invoice (rather than a purchase order) and copy everything to a sales invoice for you. There’s more on this here: Rebilling Expenses

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