CAFBank : QF Autobank Interface Revisited

Back in Oct 2024 I raised the question of the QF-CAFBank Open banking interface.
Briefly neither Autobank Feeds or manual upload of CSV are currently supported other than through the ‘Other’ manual upload interface. This requires manual editing the CAFBank exported CSV file to remove the header and trailer information leaving the transaction data.
This still begs the following questions:

  1. How many requests are required for QF to consider adding CAFBank to it’s supported ‘Open banking’ list?
  2. In the interim, if the CAFBank CSV can be prepared for uploading through the ‘Other’ category what user request levels would be required to have ‘User’ created CSV column mapping profiles implemented?
  3. In the absence of a ‘user’ created profile facility are there any restrictions on formatting the CSV file to match a known format for an existing high street bank’s format?

Regards, NDG1944

Hello @NDG1944

  1. How many requests are required for QF to consider adding CAFBank to it’s supported ‘Open banking’ list?

We implement new features depending on the number of votes a request gets.

We did recently added an option to save the import format.

After you run through the upload process using the “Other” option you should see this option.
(Updated instructions are on the statement import article)



You can then name your custom upload format and it will show in the list for next time.


You are also given an option to delete a saved template should you need to re format it.