Can I receive email notifications when a customer pays

i have done a few tests.
i would like to be able to receive an email notification when a customer pays an invoice online.
ive got stripe setup, and gocardless.
im mainly interested in stripe though but both would be a good option.

if a customer pays via stripe i get an email from stripe, but i cant see an option to get an email from quickfile to let me know a customer has paid.
the only way i can see to be notified via quickfile is to manually log in and check on invoices?


Hi @adnw

The emails would be sent by the payment processor themselves. So, as you rightfully mention, Stripe sends an email to confirm it.

GoCardless does something similar, although it takes a bit longer due to the nature of Direct Debit. As a bonus with GoCardless, we do send a daily summary of any changes (new, paid or cancelled payments).

is there any way to get an email from quickfile?

Unfortunately not. This isn’t something we’re likely to do as the payment processors already do this.

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