Can I take sales (per client) back to earlier years

In the client screen, I can see the total invoices/money received and take the months back.
However, I can only go back 11 months (current month and 11 previous), which means I cannot see the current month, last year, or previously.
(This is the same in the dashboard for total sales). So, I cannot compare month-on-month sales.

I would really like to be able to make comparisons of a particular client, month-on-month and year-on-year and as the info is all there, I assume that it must be possible, I just can’t figure out how.

Is this possible?

Hello @GMB

I have changed your request to a feature request as it is not currently possible,

A feature request allows other users to add their vote so we can see how popular the request is.

You can however get data from the client management page by applying a search


Thank you very much.
Especially for showing me where to get the info, that will work for now :slight_smile:

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