Can I transfer current account info to the journal?

I’ve imported my bank transactions into the Current Account, and tagged them all accordingly. Is there any way to transfer these to the journal without having to go through each one and create entries again?
Many thanks

HI, little confused here. What exactly do you mean when you say ‘to transfer these to the journal without having to go through each one and create entries again?’

Sorry for the confusion, my accountant asked me to use QuickFile without any training so I’m trying to work out how to use it as I go along.
In the past he asked me to enter the transactions from my back account into the Journal, which I’ve been doing manually for the last year.
Today I managed to get the Chrome extension to work and imported the latest transactions, and just wondered whether I need to still enter the transactions into the journal as I have previously.

I think your accountant was just asking you to enter your bank transactions manually. You can do this from the bank statement page, no journals required.

Otherwise if you’re importing bank entries from the bank feed you have no need to enter them manually.

Hi Glenn
Oh that’s a relief - thank you!
Best wishes

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