Can’t access my account, loggs into my clients acc

Hey guys.

I tried to log in yesterday on my phone using the correct password and it wouldn’t let me in, wrong password announcement kept popping up. The password worked on my laptop.

So I changed my password on my phone and when my QuickFile opened, I was on my clients panel. It looked like somebody hacked into my account and erased everything.
Then I went to the forum and saw that this problem has happened before. I tried to send a message from his panel to myself and I received a notification in my email that I received a message from my client, but when I open my account, it always goes to my clients panel.

Can you please help me asap as I’m about to pay my VAT and that mustn’t be late.

Thank you so much

Hello Blanka

I have replied to your private support ticket.

Hi Steve. Where is that please? Thank you

Hello Blanka

You should have had an email from me.

Problem resolved thank you