Cannot import vat return CSV


Keep getting errors when trying to import data for VAT return.
It was working fine in the last period and I used the same spreadshit just replaced numbers ofc.
I have tried importing fields with formulas etc and even with just numbers done manually.
Still it doesnt work and will not import anything.
Any advice? Is the format wrong? I changed decimal separators to dot instead of comma. I also tried without any decimals. Still it doesnt work.

Went for open office instead of MS.
Saved as XLS and worked.
CSV doesnt work at all for some reason.

It might depend on your platform - e.g. I’ve seen Excel on Mac OS X save CSVs using old-style Mac OS 9 line endings (just carriage return U+000D), rather than modern Mac (linefeed U+000A) or Windows style (both), which may confuse things at the QuickFile end.

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