I need to submit a VAT return for time period “19B1” but my options don’t got back far enough.
If I can submit this one, I can submit the others as zero.
Please help!
I need to submit a VAT return for time period “19B1” but my options don’t got back far enough.
If I can submit this one, I can submit the others as zero.
Please help!
Hi @woollyjoe
The periods shown within your QuickFile account are what HMRC send us.
If you log into the HMRC website directly, do you see that period there?
@QFMathew - yes i do see this time period there. I also see time period before this too. Neither are in Quickfile. Can you help please?
HMRC says:
" 7 July 2019 OVERDUE for the period 1 March to 31 May 2019"
Hi @woollyjoe
The list of periods that appear in QuickFile are what HMRC supplies to us, and is live (as in, if it changes we will automatically show the latest list).
If you’re not seeing the period there, you would need to speak to HMRC directly to see why this isn’t the case.
If they are pre mtd you wont see them either. It will need manual submission via old hmrc vat account
HMRC say it’s a software issue - they will allow the first period to made manually and have form for that. I can set the start date for VAT to compensate for that.
But the second period missing 19B1 has to be submitted digitally through software… I will call HMRC again and tell them it’s not there… but not sure why it wouldn’t be there.
Hmrc do sometimes forget to place the correct starting period in the mtd account, and are aware it happens, they will sort it for you.
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