Cannot tag on new computer


Just bought a new laptop,

I can log onto quickfile and use it , but when I need to tag a transaction, I just get the rotating icon and nothing happens.

I have tried disabling the virus protection, but it made no difference.

I am using chrome, also tried it in internet explorer, the same problem.

Quickfile is working fine on all my other computers.

Any ideas what the problem may be.


Bank tag or project tag?

If it was a wider issue I would expect it to have been reported elsewhere.

What version of Chrome and IE are you using? In Chrome you can go to the menu and click “About Google Chrome”.

My version is:

39.0.2171.95 m

Do you have any browser extensions installed? maybe Adblocker?

In Chrome press F12 and check if any errors appear down here…

Hi Glen

its when i try to bank tag.

i am using sameversion of google chrome as you

i have pressed f12 and i am getting an error

here it is

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of null’ sf_main.jsp:322
statement.aspx:2140 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

            }, 5000);
            log("Iframe created");
            if (callback && typeof(callback) === 'function') {
                endCallback = callback;

Hi again Glen,
I’ve sorted it. Some sort of junk shopping ad, unwanted program called visual discovery that says came with the browser seems to have been the culprit. Anyway, I have uninstalled it and now quickfile is tagging fine.

So now I can get my books up to date and watch xmas tv with new laptop on my knee.
Thanks for your help,

Good stuff :smile:

I though that code looked a bit odd, we don’t use iFrames.