Capital on Tap integration

Further to requests from other users, I noticed with interest today that Capital on Tap are offering auto-sync for Xero, Quickbooks etc so I wonder if something may have changed that might enable an integration with Quickfile? They have recently been updating their interface so perhaps something has changed at their end. Fingers crossed!

Your website says Capital On Tap isn’t available as they don’t offer a feed.
However, their own website contradicts this.


Are there any plans to progress this please?


Hello @Paul-UK

We’ve already explored the Open Banking API offered by Capital On Tap, which unfortunately isn’t a standard Open Banking API, but rather their own take on it.

If it was a standard one (matching the format of the likes of Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Monzo, Revolut, etc.), then it would be a fairly simple job of adding it. But because it’s their own version, it requires a lot more work to implement, which is something we’re not able to commit to at this moment in time.

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Thanks for the rapid reply.

OK, thanks for the info. I am tempted by their £75 credit following the first transaction, plus their 1% cashback on all transactions - but I have got so used to my existing card automatically being fed into Quickfile I’m not sure I want to do it manually for this card!!!

I’ll have to pontificate further on this. :grinning:

Just wondering if a Capital on Tap feed is completely off the cards for you at QF, or is it just ‘not yet’.

Hello @GK5

Never say never, but its not something we can commit it at present, maybe a future development or they may standardise the feed in the future.

In the mean time csv statements can be imported as with all other banks.