Cash accounting vat liability on dashboard?

On the Report - Tax Summary page there is a value for the Net VAT Position for the quarter, which is the sum of sales invoices issued in that quarter.(on an accrual basis)

I use Cash accounting and, as far as I am aware, the only way to see my current VAT Liability is to generate a VAT return (and NOT submit it!)

Is there any way the the ‘Box 1’ figure can be added to the Dashboard like other ledger balances as this would be a very useful piece of info to see whenever I am dealing with my accounts? (I have a Power User subscription)

Many thanks,


Hello Neil

I use Cash accounting and, as far as I am aware, the only way to see my current VAT Liability is to generate a VAT return (and NOT submit it!)

That is correct, you can generate a return at any point to view the figures (you can not submit until the period has ended).

Is there any way the the ‘Box 1’ figure can be added to the Dashboard like other ledger balances as this would be a very useful piece of info to see whenever I am dealing with my accounts?

Unfortunately this is not possible as all the accounting is done on an accrual basis. The vat return uses the payment data (the tax points) to do the vat calculations at the point the return is generated.

To get matching figures you can go to the Sales > View Payments and the Purchases > View Payments screens of your clients and suppliers. The dashboard does not break down to this level it would only show specific nominal codes

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