I go normally once a month to networking and training events to learn and make industry contacts as part of being self employed. Can I claim for food and drink that I buy while attending these events? If so, which category should it go in?
If you mean for yourself then 7406 Subsistence. HMRC limit the amounts that you can claim free of tax.
You should read the HMRC website for yourself or consult a professional but my interpretation is that, if you haven’t agreed anything else with them, you can claim the cost of a meal up to a max of £5 if you are away for over five hourse and two £5 meals if for over 10.
Ok great, thanks for the detailed information. I’ll probably end up speaking to my accountant about it; it seems a little more complicated than I thought it would be
Would someone help me, please?
I am struggling to find, suitable nominal code for networking event entrance fees and networking groups annual membership fees.
Marketing is for business cards and other promotional materials. Subscription - I am thinking for professional literature subscriptions.
Any advice would be much appreciated, slight_smile:
Thank you