Change Invoice number on VAT locked entry

Is there any way at all?
I have 2 old invoices that have a word for the invoice number. We use numeric now and it keeps reverting back to the words and changing the last letter. Its messing up our auto invoices.

If I can delete/ change these 2 entries Im hoping it will stop!

Thanks in advance

Hi @w9gga,

Unfortunately there is no way to change it if it is locked, you would have to roll-back the VAT returns in order to unlock the invoices to amend them

I need to rollback in which case. The problem is creating too many issues. I have rolled back before but I cant seem to remember how?

if you go into the VAT returns there is an option at the bottom of the return to roll back. If you have a number of returns you will need to undo these in order

ah thats why the button is missing. I have to do them in turn. thanks

gah. Just done the VAT roll backs. Now its saying ’ This item resides within a locked accounting period and cannot be modified.

potentially year end?

Im not sure. Its deffo not something I have done. Maybe our accountants. Is it something I can roll back as well. The VAT rollback allowed me to do one out of the 2 so Im half winning :slight_smile:

you should be able to roll back everything, you would just need to work out what is locking it to be able to ‘undo’ it.

As I understand it (I don’t work for QuickFile) new invoices will automatically take the next number after the one on the last invoice created, so it may be as simple as manually creating a dummy invoice with the number before the one you want (actually set the number before saving the invoice for the first time - don’t accept the default and then go back to change it afterwards), and then the next auto invoice should follow on from that. Once your auto invoices are numbering correctly you can delete the dummy one.

Even if you end up with a gap in your numbering sequence the deleted dummy will remain accessible for the audit trail.

Ive done it by taking the year end lock off. So both problematic invoices have been changed. phew.
So before MTD when I rolled back the VAT returns I had the chance to save them again. That doesnt seem possible now as it connects to HMRC and only shows current options. Do I need to do anything to right the rollbacks Ive done?

If you untick “use mtd features” on your vat settings that should let you resave the old return using the old form, then turn MTD back on again when it’s saved.

Thanks Ian. For some reason, with no pattern, it drops this process and picks up on the text version from last year. Its been driving us crazy so today I am on a mission to solve it once and for all by changing the invoice numbers! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t know the logic, but I suspect it won’t take account of when you edit an existing invoice and change its number, only the number of the most recently created invoice at the point of its creation.

@ian_roberts is right,

it should look at the last invoice created and follow on from that one, so i’m not sure why it is picking up these old invoice number styles?

Not sure about the process anomaly but it deffo exists! But never mind I have hopefully sorted it now.
Just got to try and now make my previously submitted VAT returns match up when I resubmit due to the rollback :frowning:

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