Change logo and over lapping address text

I’ve updated our logo and now its over lapping the address on the left.
Ideally I would like to have the logo central but can’t find how to move it
Can anyone help

Hi @Demelza

You should be able to move your logo with some changes to your CSS for your invoice. You can access the editor, but firstly clicking on the invoice gallery button:

And then select ‘Customise this style’ above your current template:

There’s some hints and tips on this in our Knowledge Base, but if you do need further help, please don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:

Hi, I don’t seem to have the invoice style gallery button

You would find this on your invoice preview screen. If you open any invoice preview screen, you will find this button in the top left hand corner.

Oh, what a twit I am. Found it now all looks familiar again.
Problem solved.
Thank you for the very speedy response, much appreciated.
Kind regards

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