Change of Company Address Retrospective

I am not sure that the question raised in

was really answered, at least if it was the same issue I am raising again here.

To be clear, I am not talking about modifying paid invoices here; a process that I would not undertake, think should probably be blocked and would run the risk of changing accounts history.

Having recently changed my company registered address and updated the invoice template, I notice, when viewing old invoices, that they all have the new address in the footer rather the correct one ie. the one on the invoice issued to the customer before the change of registered address.

Is there anywhere to get access to an unchanged / locked invoice i.e. one where nothing has been altered since issue or even payment? I think of invoices as documents of record and am uneasy about anything changing once they cease to be drafts.

Hi @Nick

QuickFile displays the address of the company (by default) in the top half of the invoice. This is tied to your settings and is saved with the invoice. When you update your settings, invoices that have already been created will not be updated to reflect your changes. However, resaving an invoice, regardless of it’s stage will update it.

If you show your address elsewhere on the invoice, such as in the footer, it could be part of the free entry text boxes which are applied across all invoices.

Do you have a Power User Subscription? If so, all changes are recorded for invoices. If you view the invoice, click More Options, you should see an option to view the revision history of that invoice.

That’s good re the address at the top although I am still uneasy about any changes and don’t think paid invoices should be alterable.

I will look into the Power User subscription as I get good value from QuickFile. If the history provides a log of changes, that would be useful, but I still think it would be better from an audit standpoint if issued/paid invoices were static documents. Aside from the address, I don’t think it should be possible to change the text re payment terms and resend an unpaid invoice with only the new wording.


You’re welcome to start a #feature request for this, and we can certainly investigate this further if there’s enough support/interest from the community.

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