Change payment staus

I wrongly logged a payment to an invoice that had an identical amount. How and where can I correct this payment status?


You would need to de-tag from the bank or delete the payment and log it to the correct invoice.

Re-reading my initial post I may have been ambiguous.

It is is a payment I received for an invoice I have issued to a client that I have mistakenly logged as having been paid, the payment was logged against a different invoice number with the same value.

If I go to my quickfile bank statement I see the item and a “tagged” icon with its options. Can I do anything here that shows the invoice as unpaid that does not muck up my data and that does not imply to my client that it has been paid when they view their logged-in workspace? If I delete this entry in the quickfile bank statement what becomes of the invoice record in remainder of the database? Will it still be there?


Just click the ‘tagged’ button and you can then detag the transaction. You can then tag to the correct invoice.

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I think I found what I was looking for and it seems to do the trick.

When I look at the invoice there’s a “A payment #SP0000xx has been attributed to this invoice” line just above it. I click that and it gives me a button to delete the payment. Seems to do the trick.

Are there any pitfalls I need to be concerned about with regard to the quickfile “bank statement” report especially with relating to tagging? I don’t actually use the tagging feature nor do I connect my quickfile record to my real bank account if that helps with an answer.


The pitfall is you’re real bank statement won’t correlate with your records in QF. This will mean your accounts will not be accurate. That’s fine if all you’re ever using QF for is as an invoicing tool, but it will be problematic if you every try to prepare a set of accounts for HMRC from there.

To get the full use of QuickFile it’s best to keep your statement in the software aligned to your actual bank statements.

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