Chart of Accounts - Nominal Code View - Notes

Reports - Chart of Accounts. Here is an example of the duplicated entry within a note:
Nominal Account for Committee Costs and for Travel Expenses.

  • When inquiring on Committee Costs and ticking the box to show notes the descriptive line from the purchase ledger is displayed. This is the description of the first item in the purchase ledger invoice.

  • When inquiring on Travel Costs and ticking the box to show notes the same descriptive line from the purchase ledger is displayed for this nominal account.

In this example the purchase invoice is analysed between two nominal accounts but instead of pulling in the second line of the invoice into the Committee Costs nominal account it pulls in the first description line from the invoice. The same description appears as a note in both accounts


Hello @anfiuk

This is the correct behaviour. The “Description” is made up of the first line of the invoice (in both sales and purchase instances).

My colleague explains this in a previous post:
Line description view in Nominal Codes list

Thank you for your quick response and to pointing me to a link giving more detail of discussions.

Whilst I do understand the point made regarding the issues with a high number of potential invoice splits, that might be cumbersome and difficult to implement. Given that the majority of users will not have vast numbers of entries on any single invoice would it not be reasonable to show the description of each invoice line up to a predetermined limit? A warning that the limit has been reached and that addition detail can be found using the Ctrl key by clicking on the invoice link.

Only two days ago I was asked by a colleague, who had taken over running QuickFile, why a description appeared in a nominal account journal that had nothing whatsoever with that particular account and later asking why the same description was also showing in the correct nominal. I had no answer to this. This does lead to confusion.

With regard to the use of the link to open up a tab showing the supplier ledger and invoice detail. This is useful for a one-off enquiry but not really practical for many such enquiries.

One of the requests often made be auditors at the year end is to have a lists of journals for each nominal account. The file exported listing supplier invoice references does not show the supplier name nor, of course, the invoice detail. Anyone preparing accounts before a year end roll-over Would not easily spot a mis-posted item without a description tp pick up on.

Anyway, this is my view of the situation and, I hope, helpful.

If I am missing something here someone will put me right.

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