Cheque Numbers


I have use a Cheque Holding Bank Account to pay suppliers and I can record the Cheque No in the notes when I mark the invoice as paid. This number shows on the payment receipt. When suppliers cash the cheques this shows up in my Main Bank Account. I then delete the payment made from the Cheque Holding Account and use the tag feature in my Main Bank Account to link the supplier invoice and cleared cheque. However I then lose the cheque number in the notes.

Is there anyway to retain the cheque number on the supplier invoice/payment receipt?


Hello @WalkerTim

As you are deleting the transaction the notes would not be retained, you would have to manually add it to the notes on the transaction of the cashed cheque on your bank

So there isn’t any way to add it to the notes on the purchase invoice as part of the tagging process?

Hello @WalkerTim

You could edit the reference of the bank transaction.

Just click into the box and edit the text as shown below.

Thanks, it shows on the bank, but I was hoping to try and keep the reference on the supplier payment receipt but I’m concluding it isn’t possible.

Why? If you just marked the money out of the current account as a transfer to the cheque holding account then everything would balance up, the original payment wouldn’t need to be deleted, and you would be correctly recording the date of payment according to HMRC rules.

If you pay by cheque: the date of payment is the date you send the cheque, or the date on the cheque, whichever is later


If you delete the original transaction and create a new one then that has the effect of changing the “date of payment” in QuickFile to the date when the supplier cashed the cheque rather than the date you wrote it.

I was doing this but reconciling the uncashed cheques was getting difficult so I wanted to eliminate the cheques which cleared.

I think I may have to go back to doing it the way you suggest and just keep a spreadsheet which is not ideal but I can’t see a way to do it.

Thanks for the help.

One possibility is that you could edit the transaction descriptions within the holding account. For example, you write a cheque and log a payment on a purchase to supplier X, this will create a transaction in your holding account with description “Payment to supplier X”, you then edit that description to include the cheque number "Payment to supplier X - 0012345.

When the money goes out of your current account, tag that as a transfer to the holding account, and at the same time edit the description on the original payment transaction to say something like “Cleared cheque to supplier X - 0012345”. Now you can do a simple search in the holding account for transactions whose reference starts with “Payment” and that will give you just the uncleared cheques.

thanks - I’ll do that.

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