Child Maintenance/ Support Employer payments

I have recently had a request to pay Child Maintenance contributions on behalf of one of my employees, we have done this but are not sure how to log it on Quickfile. Does it come under PAYE liabilities as it is deducted from the employees wages, or do we need to create a supplier for DWP Child Maintenance?

You can use PAYE liability account or create another liability account “Child Maintenance”

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That depends on who you actually pay the money over to. If it’s paid to HMRC along with your other PAYE liabilities (income tax, NI, etc.) then put it in the same PAYE nominal, if you have to pay the maintenance deductions separately to DWP then make them a separate nominal.

Either way, DWP is definitely not a supplier.

Thanks for the advice, I didn’t think they would be classed as a supplier, and they do require a separate payment to the normal PAYE.

Then I’d do it the same way I do pension contributions - make a new nominal under assets and liabilities for “DWP deductions” or similar, then when you do payroll post the credit entry for the deduction to that nominal in the payroll journal, and when you pay the money out to DWP tag the money out transaction as “something not on the list” to the same DWP deductions nominal account.

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