Can anyone advise when the software will allow us to update clients details to be included in the new reverse charge for cis contractors due March
Hi @Clarkie287
This blog post may be of interest to you: Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Domestic Reverse Charge
As you are aware, this has been delayed until March 2021, but the blog post is still accurate in terms of how we will support this.
Thanks matthew… I’m just wondering how to update my client details to the cis reverse charge… the vat status doesn’t give the option it just gives the normal 3 options of standard vat, exempt/out of scope and Eu vat.
Will this be updated and the option of cis reverse charge added at all.
Can you advise how we will make the change so QuickFile can automatically adjust the vat return.
Many thanks
Hi @Clarkie287
I can’t confirm any details at present, but when these changes come in, we will add a new announcement to the forum for guidance.
Keep an eye on the forum for updates.
Thank you Matthew, hopefully will be sorted for the 1st March rollout so it doesn’t cause any issues on invoices
Many thanks again
QuickFile has recently added a “reverse charge for services” option but that is the mechanism for buying services from overseas suppliers, not domestic ones, and it’s slightly different (both the overseas and domestic RC mechanisms put the VAT in box 1 as well as 4, but they differ in how you treat box 6 - overseas RC you must include the net in box 6, domestic you must not).
Not sure how I would do that and it update the mtd vat return as it’s automatically generated
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