Hello, I have just resubscribed as a power User, but am now unable to create a VAT return as Client not authorised… as far as I’m aware, the HMRC site says permission is granted… so I’m afraid I’m a bit lost - any help gratefully received.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with your HMRC connection.
Have you successfully submitted a VAT return through QuickFile before? If so, it could be that your connection with HMRC needs to be reauthorised. This needs to be completed every 18 months.
If you have recently reauthorised the connection, it could be possible that you’ve authorised the wrong account, this can happen in cases where a business has multiple accounts with HMRC. It can be worth double-checking this.
For more information, please see our Troubleshooting guide: Making Tax Digital: Troubleshooting
HI, thanks for getting back so quickly. I have submitted via QuickFile for a few years now… and the issue has only come up as my subscription lapsed early March… then I renewed immediately and expected to continue as normal.
When you renew the authorisation, it should just link up all OK. However, it’s not uncommon to link the wrong HMRC account. Some businesses and individuals have multiple accounts - one for corporation tax, one for VAT, one for self assessment, etc.
If it’s still showing an error message, I would completely revoke it (on both QuickFile and HMRC), and relink it as new.
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