Client Update method only accepts one additional contact

The documentation for the Client Update API method (Client_Update API Schema) seems to state that 10 additional contacts can be updated, but the AdditionalContact and AdditionalContacts objects provided in the example JSON request are both single objects. There doesn’t seem to be a space for updating multiple additional contacts. Could someone please advise on how to go about doing this? Is there a flaw in the documentation?

I believe the technology QuickFile uses for the JSON API essentially maps the JSON into equivalent XML. The JSON mapping for multiple AdditionalContact XML elements should be to pass an array of objects instead of a single object at either the AdditionalContacts or the AdditionalContact level - I’m not sure which but try both and see what works…

Hi @Adam_Johnston

The Client_Update method can accept up to 10 additional contacts, as well as the default contact

You would format this like this -

      "ClientContacts": {
        "DefaultContact": {
          "ClientContactID": 123456,
          "FirstName": "Bob",
          "Surname": "Smith",
          "Email": ""
        "AdditionalContacts": {
          "AdditionalContact": [
              "ClientContactID": 123457,
              "FirstName": "James",
              "Surname": "Price",  
              "Email": ""
              "ClientContactID": 123458,
              "FirstName": "Jane",
              "Surname": "Davies",  
              "Email": ""