Client's VAT number


A client of mine would like to have his VAT number on the invoice.

Would it be possible to add a textarea in the client’s detail page that will be inserted in each invoices for this client? That would also help me to define the purchase order number for this same client.


Hi @cedev

Thank you for your suggestion.

At present, it’s not possible to have the client VAT number on the invoice unless you’re reverse charging the invoice (see this thread for details).

We can certainly consider this if there’s enough interest, although it’s worth noting that it’s not a requirement by HMRC to show your client’s VAT number on the invoice.

In the mean time, you may wish to add this to the notes box on the invoice.

The idea was not limited to VAT actually but extended to a more opened textarea with multiline capability that can be automatically inserted in the invoice.

Linked question: is it possible to have an invoice style for a client?

Maybe this thread would be of interest to you? There aren’t any updates to this thread at this time, but as per other posts - the more support for a feature the better :wink:

If you have a Power User Subscription, you could use the trading styles setup and assign a trading style to one client. It may however be a bit of over the top for what you’re looking for.

Thanks for the tips.

I do have PUS. I’ll have a look at it as a temporary solution.

No problem at all!

Here’s the guide for custom trading styles, should you need it:

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