Collect payment against outstanding invoice (GoCardless)

Does anyone have any idea how to collect a payment against an outstanding invoice via Direct Debit? (specifically via GoCardless).

In the manual ‘Collect Funds’ dialog box there’s a note which says ‘Please note: you can now collect payments for any outstanding invoices directly from the invoice preview screen (under the “more options” menu). Any payments are then auto-linked to the invoice.’ but this doesn’t appear to work when there’s a part payment against the invoice already.

The use case here is a customer made a slight overpayment which has been allocated against the outstanding invoice but it doesn’t quite cover it - so the rest needs to be collected via DD.

Hi @Oliver_Nash

If you view the invoice, you should see a “Collect By Direct Debit” option under the “More Options” menu

How small is the payment? I’m aware GoCardless has a minimum payment value of £1, so if it’s lower than this, it may be preventing it from showing - I’d need to double-check with our development team if we do this.

Hi @QFMathew,

I’ve just checked this again and it’s now showing. I think it’s because we cancelled the original DD payment but there was a lag between it being actioned within GC and then reflecting on QF. Now it’s showing as payment cancelled it allows me to collect the remainder via GC.

If there’s a smoother way of processing this sort of thing do let me know :slight_smile:

There may be a slight delay. GoCardless notifies us of any changes (e.g. success, failure, etc.) and we update the information we hold based on this. But it should only take a few minutes to update.

You could collect against the client, but this would still require manual tagging to an invoice. This can be done from the client view itself (rather than an invoice).

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