Combine my accounts to create Affinity platform account

I have 3 quickfile accounts that I pay for separately. All my businesses (2 Limited Companies and 1 sole trader).

At the moment I’ve created 3 separate logins and pay for all 3 separately. Looking online I should be able to get a discount if I move these to an Affinity platform account. Also means I can just have one login for all 3.

What’s involved in moving these and linking them together?


Once you set up and Affinity account here you would add the 3 client profiles (individual QuickFile accounts) to your affinity account as described in the below article.

Once added you will see a new user in the team management screen of each of the individual QuickFile accounts, in your case I would recommend making this the primary user for all 3.

I have also attached some articles relating to features and billing for you below.

You can then log into Affinity. and click the company links to get into each QuickFile account.

Thanks. I’ve paid for the current year on all 3 sub-accounts. I’m guessing this payment already made gets transferred to the affinity account (i.e. I’m not double charged)


I checked the account linked to this email and there is only a bank feeds subscription on there (no power user subscription 470 annual ledger entries (S)).

Bank feeds is a completely separate optional extra.

With Affinity, if you attach an account to your Affinity dashboard you will only be charged for the exact number of days it remains attached.

So for example for 3 (1xS,1xM AND 1xL)accounts as below

I’ve linked one account which has a power user subscription and it’s only added £10 credit to the affinity account. I would have expected it to add the amount that I’d paid for the year (minus months used).

If this is not how it works can I detach the account and go back to the old way? i.e. pay individually.

I can then re-attach once my paid year has run out.

Let me know if this is ok. Worried if I detach I’ll loose what I originally paid and have to resub

Just to confirm I’ve detached the account. The sub-account seems to be fine.

Not sure how I message you my individual account emails so you can check what happens if I combine them on Affinity (i.e. does the credit for power sub-carry over)

Actually. Just thought. I can post the account numbers.

6131520121 - Small
6131521426 - Large
6131558133 - Large

I’ve currently paid:
£18 on account 1 on 2nd Feb for Bank Feed
£64.97 on account 2 on 2nd Feb for Power Feed
£18 on account 2 on 2nd Feb for Power Feed
£64.97 on account 3 on 7th April for Power Feed
£18 on account 3 on 7th April for Power Feed

So it works out I pay:

£5.58 a month for power feed across all 3 accounts (power feed only on 2)
£4.50 a month for bank feed across all 3 accounts

What would I pay for this per month on the Affinity platform? Does it work out to more or less?

Or do I pay the Affinity fees on top of the ones above?

Affinity and Power User are independent features, each with their own charges. If an account is graded “large” or higher then it must either be attached to an Affinity account (for which the Affinity account owner pays the relevant daily fee), or have a Power User subscription (for which the individual QuickFile account holder pays an annual fee).

It may have both. For example the Affinity account holder might be an accountant who uses QuickFile with their clients, rolling the Affinity costs into their fee structure; any of their clients would still be free to take out their own optional Power User subscription directly with QuickFile if they need to use features like the segmented P&L or split bank tagging that are restricted to Power Users only.

Thanks for the reply @ian_roberts

Just so I have this correct. Does the Affinity subscription give you the features of the “power user” or do you need to purchase these separately?

If you still need to purchase “power user” separately I’m not sure what benefit you get aside from having all the accounts on one dashboard.

You only get the power user features with a power user subscription.

If the only reason you are paying for the PUS is because your account is L or XL and you’re otherwise locked out, then Affinity will probably work out slightly cheaper. But if you’re paying the subscription because you need the PU-only features then there’s no reason for you as an individual to pay for Affinity as well.

The main design use case for Affinity is for accountants who need to manage their clients’ QuickFile profiles centrally, get notification of filing deadlines, collect additional information to allow them to complete the clients’ year end accounts and tax returns etc. It also provides a “white label” service that lets the accountant use their own branding in place of the QuickFile name.

Thanks for confirming. Makes sense now. Historically I’ve just purchased PUS as I hit L.

Will check the features available. I’m guessing I use them now as I’m used to them being there.

In either case it makes sense to wait until the PUS sub finishes before starting the Affinity one.

Really appreciate you replying as this now makes sense.

For reference - Power User Subscription vs Affinity

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