For CT you want the “cost” to appear in on the P&L for the same year as the profit you’re being taxed on, but the payment doesn’t leave your bank until the following year. So in this case you would need a journal in the relevant year to debit the cost code and credit the CT liability nominal on your balance sheet, then the bank tag when the money goes out is to the balance sheet code rather than direct to the expense code.
CT is not an expense item on P&L , it reduces available reserves thus need journal first ideally if not you can tag CT payment to 8500 Corporation Tax Charge for the Year
Thanks FaradayKeynes, that’s something I’ll be needing to do soon.
So to confirm, when the year’s accounts are finalised create a journal dated the last day of the year from 8500 Corporation Tax Charge for the Year (Overheads) to 2320 Corporation Tax (Liabilities) and then when it’s paid tag the bank entry to 2320 to clear that balance?