Continuing the discussion from Power User Subscription as Affinity Client:
If I try to purchase a power user subscription I just get forwarded to Login: TRAVELAGE LTD.
Is this still on the cards?
Continuing the discussion from Power User Subscription as Affinity Client:
If I try to purchase a power user subscription I just get forwarded to Login: TRAVELAGE LTD.
Is this still on the cards?
I actually thought this had been addressed. Leave it with me and I’ll make some enquiries.
An Affinity connected account can still obtain a Power User Sub by going into Account Settings >> Advanced Features. At the bottom of this screen there’s a box you can expand with an upgrade button, does this work?
Getting the help menu back for those accounts not originally created from Affinity, was more problematic to implement without creating some additional flags. We’ve had to postpone that for now, although the only semi-useful link in there is a list of QF services, the other two options are the forum and kb link.
You won’t be able to hit that page if you’re connected to Affinity without getting redirected. We will remove the redirect and implement another way to access this, we need to be careful not to upset any Affinity users.
Yep, managed to go through the process via that route.
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