Convert and Combine Estimates


A feature request if I can… I know you’re busy, but when you can take a look at the feasibility it would be great to hear your thoughts on the suggestion :smile:

We often end up with multiple agreements (estimates) for work that we wish to invoice our client on a single invoice (at month end for example). At the moment I’m converting one estimate and manually copying over the others.

Is there a way we could implement a button that will combine and convert selected agreements?


Hi @hwlevents

Just a few quick questions so I can understand what you would be expecting with something like this.

If you have a few different estimates, which one should the notes and terms of payment come from?
If they’re for the same client but have different contacts, which one would you expect the system to use?

Although I like the idea, I’m just trying to figure out the feasibility of a feature like this, and how you would expect it to work, so @Glenn can see how easy something like this would be to implement.


Thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay in getting back to you - it’s been a busy week :smile:

To be honest from our perspective, the payment terms wouldn’t be in issue (as they’re always the same) and the contacts wouldn’t be an issue either as we generally only have one (we’ve only ever had one client with multiple contacts and it resulted in a lot of “pushing” responsibility).

Notes wise, we’re really using the comments more now, but I could see these being combine too maybe?


Hi @hwlevents

When you look at it from a one contact, one note perspective it should be straight forward (from this point of view, in terms of code however, it may be more difficult!). However, there are users on QuickFile that have multiple contacts and use a variety of notes etc., which obviously complicates the situation.

@Glenn - what’s your take on this?

It’s certainly doable, although I’d like to see more support for this from other users first. It’s not a simple implementation by any stretch, I reckon it would take around 3-4 days of development time.

I think we’d need some way of picking one estimate as the master and retaining the notes and terms for this item, then merging in all the other line items.

Another way to solve this would be with a small application that plugs into the API, this is generally more preferable for us as it doesn’t add too much bloat to the core system.