Convert Estimate to Invoice (Auto-send) disable button

When converting an estimate to an invoice - there are three options

Auto-Send Invoice
Let me tweak it first
Create recurring profile

I would like to be able to disable the “Auto-Send Invoice” button, as the invoices we issue need a little tweak prior to sending i.e. Client’s Purchase Order to be attached to the invoice (already attached on Estimate).

Also, it is quite easy to hit the wrong button and there is no way back once emailed (OK, so far happened once).

Is this more custom CSS?

Hi @alan_mcbrien

You could remove the option by adding some JavaScript to the Custom Scripts part of the advanced customisations. Something like the following should work:

// Removes the 'Auto send' option for estimates
$(document).ready(function() {
      $('.page-sales-preview .tdEstimateToInvoiceAutoSend').remove();
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Proper, really good, thanks.

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