Converting estimate to invoice makes it overdue

When i converted my last two estimates to invoices both became overdue 1 day later because it put the due date as the same as the date created when it should be adding the time frame to pay which in my case is 30 days from invoice.

I think this ons might cover what i am saying Estimate terms don't change when converted to invoice but if that is the csae i rather see the option to add the payment terms defaults to esitmates from settings as then i can change the date if i ant to but have it by default normal terms

Actually, I thought this was me. I did notice that an invoice I converted last Friday (6th) became overdue on Saturday. It appears not to calculate it and just set it to the issue date. May be as a result of an update. I’m sure @Glenn will be able to help though! :slight_smile:

We have recently made some changes to the clone routine for estimates >> invoices. I think there is an issue setting the due date in some cases. We’re looking into this and will report back shortly.


Apologies for the issue here. We’ve now applied a fix so the correct due date (as per the client defaults) will be correctly applied when converting from an estimate to an invoice.


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