Copy Invoice doesn't copy Invoice number

When I copy an invoice why doesn’t it copy that invoices invoice number?

Many thanks


The “make a copy” menu option is to create a second invoice the same as the first. As you now have two invoices they must have two numbers.

If you want a physical copy of the invoice you use the “print” option to create a PDF file.

Yes I what to update invoice to next number in sequence and then adjust the dates for the filling month.
Kind regards

Following month that should read

Hi @Frosty17

As @FolkLondon implied above, the invoice number needs to be unique and sequential. When you copy an invoice it’s like creating a brand new one, except the details are pre-filled. So the invoice number is pre-populated based on your last invoice - we simply add 1

  • 15 becomes 16
  • 192 becomes 193
  • ABC becomes ABD
  • 1576AP becomes 1576AQ
  • and so on

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