Copy invoice / receipt for accounting services from Quick Files

Dear Support,

I had this problem last year.
Where do I get a copy invoice from you for paying for this accounting service?
I can remember last time it was hidden away under some spurious heading but again can’t find it.
I also hope the file format is now a format that is accepted by your own software.

Hi @HarefieldsCider

It’s in Account Settings >> All Settings >> QuickFile Billing.

For reference, we also include details on where to find this in the confirmation email, although I will update the link it goes through to as we renamed it from QuickFile Credit to QuickFile Billing to make it clearer.


Thank you for your quick reply.
An invoice / receipt is not an account setting!
This is illogical.
If I wanted to change an account setting within another online service (say my web hosting) I wouldn’t looking in the billing section.


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