Credit card do i mark as paid

Hello, I am not sure when i add a payment paid by credit card as paid straight away?
otherwise it looks as if they are all unpaid.

What I do is have a credit card bank account. Add my statement to it and tag the payments to the invoices. Thus marking them paid.

Then when my bank pays the credit card off I tag it as a transfer to the credit card bank account so it all balances.

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Hello, I have made a credit card section, what do you mean add your statement to it?
When the bank pays off credit card , but mine doesn’t balance at all!
Thank you for your help I’m not very good at this!

Well what I mean is, your credit card company send you a statement with the purchases you’ve made add them to the bank account and then tag them to your purchase invoices.

Also remember to add an opening balance

Hi @Amanda1

I’ve found this topic in the knowledge base that might be of use to you: Managing credit cards in QuickFile

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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