Hi, I’ve just downloaded the Quickfile App to capture receipts. When creating a new expense I am told the currency field is required. It is currently blank and will not allow me to enter anything. How do I complete this field?
Hi @Leanne
Sorry to hear you’re having some issues here.
Can I just check a few things?
- Are you using iOS or Android?
- What version of the app are you using?
- Is this when you’re entering the receipt details (e.g. the supplier reference, etc.)?
- Are you able to upload a screenshot of the error message at all please?
Hi, I’m using iOS and app version 2.0.31. This is when entering the receipt details, after confirming supplier. I can see the gap where currency should be next to Total but cannot open the field. The error message only comes up briefly to say the currency field is required.
im getting a similar message saying about currency field using android app 2.0.21 and also sometimes says ‘loading’ and not allowing me to upload receipts.
Thanks @Leanne and @horseshoethurlby
We did identify an issue, although I’d like to send you both a private message to get some account details from you.
We have fixed an issue which we believe was causing this. It’s currently with Apple pending review, so hopefully should be live in a day or two.
This should be v2.0.33.
@Leanne @horseshoethurlby - The app is now live in the app store. Can you please retry and let me know if this now works all OK for you?
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