Customisable Client Statements

Feature requested
Customisable Client Statements

Typical use case
Client Statements showing a snapshot of account on a given day or date period.

How I would expect it to work
Instead of having to edit the template prior to generating a client statement, it would be handy to have the ability to choose what information gets included on a statement.
This would be similar to the “hide items” tick boxes when generating a statement.

My clients will often ask that we send them historic statements, i.e. for specific date periods.
Currently, if I were to send 2 statements (i.e. July and August last year), they’ll both have todays date at the top, and there will be no way of telling which period they cover.

What they are hoping to see is 2 statements, each showing a snapshot of a particular month, with information making it clear which date period they’re looking at.

In the same way we’re currently able to toggle on / off the ‘credit notes’, it would help if we had an option to show the date period for the data being shown, and a perhaps a custom text field for other notes.

As per the attached example screenshot.